Friday, September 18, 2009

Of Old Memories

I’ve never liked dogs. I mean what’s there to like? They are huge, hairy, smelly and worst of all, they BITE. I’ve seen many families who have dogs as pets and not only as pets but as their additional family members. This is one thing that I never understood. I would see them cuddling them, worrying for them, taking them to vets like their own kids. Why on earth would someone like to do that for a DOG??????? Aren’t we already over flowing with tensions of our own?

Then I met him. “Lazor”. He was huge, no doubts about that, hairy.. yeah and smelly..well.. sometimes. I was scared of him at first; actually, petrified is the word. He had fire in his eyes and every time I went to his house he used to come running towards me like a hungry lion running towards his prey. Only when I was assured that he is behind a firmly bolted door would I step into the house. Even then, he would keep barking and scratching at the door asking (read: demanding) to be let out.

And one fine day, we decided to be friends. Don’t ask me how it happened; I’m just glad it did. Since that day, my trips to his house have been even more enjoyable. Even as I’m parking my scooter at their gate I can hear him barking and in a matter of minutes I would see him running towards me only I was not scared of it anymore. I would be waiting to embrace him and I was allowed entry only after his sniffing and my patting sessions were over. Inside the house, he would linger around me seeking attention and once I was comfortably seated he would quietly come and keep his head on my lap.

I don’t know when it happened but I fell in love with him. I would talk to him, pat him, hug him (yeah.. that same old hairy creature). My heart went out to him. Infact, the first thing that I cooked in their kitchen was his lunch. He made me feel special(much more than his master), especially when I came with my friends and he choose to come to me over them and I used to love him even more for that.

He is no more today. To be honest I still don’t believe that he won’t be there when I go to that house again. I push away that thought as soon as it comes. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. As for now, I just miss him but I’m sure he is there somewhere, making some other family happy.

Rest in Peace Lazor.. Love you!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Down the memory lane...

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss

This is the second time I'm leaving college.. leaving Chandigarh.But this farewell is different from the previous one in more than one ways.This time, I'm also leaving my heart behind.

College, they say, is the most important period of your life and I couldn't agree more. These two years have been.. well.. great!! From attending classes to bunking them, from trips.. funcity to bangalore, from fights to friendships.. it has been a wholesome experience.During these two years I've made some close friends, not so good friends, acquaintances, and.. ah.. one special friend ;). No matter what they were, in one way or the other they have had an impact on me. I would like to believe it has been positive, after all,, I like the new me :)

Today, this blog is for them, to tell them that they mean a lot to me and I'm thankful to them for being what they are to me.

It won't feel right if I don't start with the person who has had the maximum impact on me.Mayank is the "ideal man".. well.. he is "MY ideal man". I've shared one of the greatest friendships with him. I've loved him, hated him, scolded him, fought with him and I'm falling short of verbs here. There's a smile on my face every time I think of him. He has always been there for me, in happy as well as sad times, protecting me and more importantly loving me. The the thing that stands out about him is his passion for life, he is the best at whatever he does. Mayank and I are responsible for almost half the revenues of the film industry, a movies had to be really bad if we've not seen it (trust me.. we've seen dashavataram also :P). He is my safety wall, my friend, my guide and above all.. he is my man!!

The next in line is Monica, we call her our Phoebe. She has these weird kinks that any amount of logic and reasoning cannot justify. Monica
is one of a kind and no one even comes close to becoming like her. She is a fun- filled party animal, always excited always smiling. She lives in her own world, where she is the queen. So believe me, if you plan to have fun, she is the one to look out for. She is my sweet little Monu!!

Aveo, as he calls me, Ravish is our " Mr Sensible" (for crying out loud!!). He once told me that when he first met me he though I was arrogant so he used to avoid me. I don't know what made him change his mind but whatever it was I'm glad it did. He likes to pull my leg and the sweet guy that he is, I let him do it :). He is the epitome of simplicity also the promoter of our UBS community and can go on and on about how we should stay in touch and help each other. Can't promise about UBS but I will definitely stay in touch with this guy!!

Our funfilled chatterbox Akash is " stupidity personified " ( is that a phrase?? ). If you see anything stupid happening around you, expect her to be nearby. I can recall a lot of my mornings starting with her loud and happy "WASSUP" !! greetings.She is a little kid inside and you just can't help but love her for that !!

Ah.. Ahem.. Well.. thats out Pankaj. He is known for the way he speaks and rumour has it that he can clear a GD even if he does not know zilch about the topic. Yeah.. he can talk crap in style. He is our sportsman, be it badminton ( well.. we know who is the champion there ;) ), football or poker. For him, life is a party and we are always invited !!

Shahi is our troubleshooter. His is the first name that comes to your mind when you are in a fix.
He is a tech- freak and his ipod has helped me through a lot of boringg classes in college. He is an ever smiling cute little kid and you just can't be angry with him. Shahi is one person I'm sure will do well in life and my best wishes are always with him!!

They call us Tom and Jerry. Can't blame them, Anjuly and I have shared a relationship which is quite similar to those cartoons. We have fought, but in the end we have been friends. she is one person I have spent entire weekends.. just talking. We had similar tastes, be it TV shows, beverages, food.. monthlies.. .. I can proudly say she is responsible for the few extra pounds that I have not gained :P. If you are looking for an honest opinion on how you look ask her, she'll make you hate yourself because you can never be slim as per her standards. She is AJ in her own style!!

"Painfully sweet" is what we call Mallika. You might have heard people go out of their way to help others but this girl will go the opposite way if that is what is required. She is full of patience, soft spoken and well.. my extreme opposite but still we've shared one of the greatest friendships and I trust her for keeping it going!!

Rubina is our magpie, its like someone hit the play button on her and forgot all about it. She always has a story to tell. Very few people in this world talk more than me but I will have to admit she is one of them. In addition to that she is our encyclopedia. Trust me, if you want to know the answer to a question you did in class tenth, ask her, she might just know it.

This has been my world for the past two years, each one is very special to me and I'm going to miss them all a lot. But as they say..

Don't be dismayed at goodbyes.
A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
And meeting again, after moments or lifetime,
is certain for those who are friends.